MARGO MCDONNELL CERTIFIED EXCHANGE SPECIALIST® PERPETUAL AWARD PRESENTED TO WILLIAM ‘BILL’ HORAN, CES®AT NATIONAL CONFERENCE HELD VIRTUALLY (Sept. 22 – 25, 2020) – A delegation of more than 200 members of Federation of Exchange Accommodators (FEA) attending the...
Qualified Intermediary Safe Harbor The IRS established safe harbors to complete a 1031 exchange in accordance with the law. A key behind the safe harbor is to make sure the taxpayer does not actually or constructively receive proceeds or other property during an...
For close to two decades our firm, Realty Exchange Corporation, has been involved with IRS Internal Revenue Code Section 1031 and like-kind exchanges on a daily basis. During this time we have been involved with educating folks on how to do a like-kind exchange in...
By Ed Horan, Certified Exchange Specialist® The objective in risk management is to do your job as professionally as possible, while at the same time reducing your collateral risks. In other words, don’t create unnecessary risks and liabilities for yourself while just...
By Ed Horan, Certified Exchange Specialist® Why do you need a qualified intermediary to do a tax-deferred exchange? In 1991 the IRS established the requirement for a qualified intermediary (QI) in their regulation on Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. The...