Learn How to Do a 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange
while you
Earn Real Estate Continuing Education Credit
and help your clients
Save Thousands of Dollars in Capital Gains Taxes
with our seminars:
“How to Do a 1031 Exchange”
“Advanced 1031 Exchanges”
“How to Do a 1031 Exchange” covers the basic principles and processes of the IRC Section 1031 tax-deferred exchange. With the valuable information you’ll learn from this seminar, you can show your clients one of the most effective ways they can avoid capital gain tax on the sale of real estate – something your clients will really appreciate! This seminar has been taught to thousands of agents in North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.
Created upon request of students, our new “Advanced 1031 Exchanges” seminar provides insight into the more complex issues of tax-deferred exchanges and will enable you to increase your clients’ real estate options. This seminar is currently being taught in various locations in North Carolina and Virginia.
Our seminars are offered for real estate continuing education credit in several states. Please select a location convenient to you for additional information, including seminar agendas. Be sure to contact us if you have any questions.
These seminars fill quickly – please register early!